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 [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop

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Cafè Keeper
Cafè Keeper

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Location : Ponyville, Equestria

[-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop Empty
PostSubject: [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop   [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 27, 2011 3:17 am

[-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop XiieGuideToGraphics

Hai guise! Again, again. While I was bored to death, I thought of an idea on making a backdrop tutorial. This time, it's just forest. Yes, forest. Hope you guys like it. And I almost forgot, I am using Photoshop for this. So it may not apply to other image-editing programs.
Beware of sucky explanation

Just follow the steps and you'll probably create your one awesome backdrop! Let's start shall we?

-Step 1-
Of course, we'll need to map out the floor first. My desired backdrop size would be the regular 544x416 size. (Credits to COAD tileset btw)

-Step 2-
After that, we will distort the image. (CTRL + T) Distort it until it looks like a floor to you.

-Step 3-
Now we apply a Gradient Overlay on your floor and set its layer mode to Overlay. Settings seen below.

-Step 4-
We will now add a background. Any background is fine. Make sure it is behind the floor layer.

-Step 5-
Make a new layer and click Apply Image. (Image > Apply Image) It can be seen in the navigation bar. (It's for placing the Lens Flare)

-Step 6-
Now we'll add the sun. Click Lens Flare (Filter > Render > Lens Flare). Set until satisfied.

-Step 7-
Just add in some more details to your backdrop and you're done! (Make sure your actors are placed on the right coordinates though.

And we're done! :) If you still want to add more effects, make sure to experiment! >:3 I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N *rainbowswoosh* +_+

I hope this helped you guys and I also hope my explaining wasn't that bad. 3: Regardless of that, happy backdrop making! XD
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Cafè Keeper
Cafè Keeper

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Location : Lahore, Pakistan

[-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop   [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 27, 2011 4:35 am

*rainbowswoosh* That was a really well explained tutorial. Thanks for makin' this~ =w=
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Cafè Storyteller
Cafè Storyteller

Posts : 230

[-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop   [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 27, 2011 4:43 am

Thanks for making these. They will be great for beginners learning to do graphics.
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Cafè Keeper
Cafè Keeper

Posts : 290
Location : Ponyville, Equestria

[-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop   [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 27, 2011 7:40 am

Thanks guys, do remember that you'll have to set up your actor coordinates before you can fully use your custom backdrop.
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PostSubject: Re: [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop   [-Graphics-] Making a Backdrop I_icon_minitime

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