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 Would like to hear..

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Cafè Keeper
Cafè Keeper

Posts : 290
Location : Ponyville, Equestria

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PostSubject: Would like to hear..   Would like to hear.. I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 29, 2011 12:00 pm

I, would like to hear your opinions for the following ideas already implemented please:

  • Nookies - Do you think we should remove it? It isn't much of a use since the Misc Shop for Incannica isn't really doing business.
  • Theme - What do you think about the theme?
  • Inactive Roleplaying Threads - What should I/we do about it?

I would also love to receive alot of suggestions from you guys regarding this:
  • Forum Shop - A shop that regards user profiles and such. Suggestions are accepted.
  • Pet System - A system that enables you to take care of a desired pet listed in the Forum Shop. (They are not Myrhs)

Also, I want you guys to ask any question you wish here in this thread, regarding about the current forum's state.

Thank you.
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Cafè Storyteller
Cafè Storyteller

Posts : 230

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PostSubject: Re: Would like to hear..   Would like to hear.. I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 29, 2011 9:36 pm

Xiie wrote:

  • Nookies - Do you think we should remove it? It isn't much of a use since the Misc Shop for Incannica isn't really doing business.
  • Theme - What do you think about the theme?
  • Inactive Roleplaying Threads - What should I/we do about it?

Not really much with the rest at the moment but:

-Nookies - No shops RP or other wise are doing business, but they aren't in the way. Good to have in case we do need them.
-Theme - isn't very "Cafe' " like to me...
-Inactive RPs - They could just be locked until they are wished to be revived...
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Cafè Keeper
Cafè Keeper

Posts : 267
Location : Lahore, Pakistan

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PostSubject: Re: Would like to hear..   Would like to hear.. I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2011 1:11 am

I say, we keep the Nookies for now. Even if the shop isn't getting any business, it might soon. Or maybe people just don't know it exists... anyways, I'd like to hear what other members say about the theme as well and we could lock the inactive RPs, like Notte stated, but then ask for some amount of Nookies to unlock it again. And the pets idea sounds nice.
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PostSubject: Re: Would like to hear..   Would like to hear.. I_icon_minitime

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