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 I return from the pits of school work!!

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Cafè Keeper
Cafè Keeper

Posts : 267
Location : Lahore, Pakistan

I return from the pits of school work!! Empty
PostSubject: I return from the pits of school work!!   I return from the pits of school work!! I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 3:59 pm

Bah! Exams! Pain!! x.x

School's been busy lately so I haven't gotten much time to explore the World of Internet, but here I am I suppose. My sis was over yesterday and left today so logging in was impossible I guess. With that said, I'll try to participate in the RPs more regularly and I shall try to implement a new feature on the Cafe to keep ya'll wanderers stay put >.>
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Cafè Member
Cafè Member

Posts : 36
Location : Bahamut Empire

I return from the pits of school work!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I return from the pits of school work!!   I return from the pits of school work!! I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 7:34 pm

Welcome back man.

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I return from the pits of school work!!
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