So first, as should be obvious, the rules of the site still apply at all times during a Role Play (from here on, RP).
1) Before you can RP, you MUST fill out a skeleton diagram of your characters profile in the appropriate topic.
2) When you do an RP, you CANNOT do something outrageous like blow a spec of dust at someone and have them die.
3) You are FORBIDDEN from killing other players who have signed up.
4) If your RP doesn't make sense, it will be given a chance to be explained, but if you fail to explain it, it shall be removed.
5) To obtain new weapons (and perhaps other stuff), or at least in Incannica, you must perform an RP, this will be graded under the following categories to determine the likeliness of obtaining it.
-length - is it detailed or merely a sentence?
-setting - does the setting fit the description of what it was in the location guide?
-plot - does how you obtain it even make sense?
-character - do you stay in character based on your character's profile?
-misc. - Anything additional the rather feels needs to be judged.
6) Tag your RP. the tags are:
-[recruit] - This is a special tag for those RPs that go the extra way and RP their recruitment (a Serpent's Tavern topic is still required however)
-[open] - for RPs that are in progress.
-[complete] - for finished RPs that await a rating
-[rated] - for completed RPs that have been rated.
-[canceled] - for RPs that have gotten out of hand and had to be put down early.
-[Hold] - RP's that have received a suspension notice due to a member's inactivity or otherwise receive this. They are not counted towards your three, but are to remain as one of yourr currents.
7) anyone wishing to comment on a RP, complete or otherwise, is to say their comments in the Serpent's Tavern topic of the RP, not in the RP itself.
8) When making a RP, you must first start an RP recruitment topic in the Serpent's Tavern. (To RP you must also be in a team of at least 2 and no more than 4. Special events may be made by an Admin or Mod that allow more, but ONLY by them can such a event be made..) However, if you are on solo RP, you are only allowed to edit your opening post to further increase your adventures, only you can post again if you think it's finished.
9) You may participate in a maximum of 3 RPs at a time.
When naming a location in your RP, it is advised for quick understanding to bold and bracket the location. For example if i were to mention the nation of Zolfo, i would place it as: [Zolfo]
(Not really a rule, but just makes it easier for the reader.)
Notes from Notte:
Rules may be changed at any time so it is advised to check up on them often.