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 Level Chart

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Cafè Storyteller
Cafè Storyteller

Posts : 230

Level Chart Empty
PostSubject: Level Chart   Level Chart I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 06, 2011 2:36 am

Curious to know how much exp. you get from your RP? How much you need to level up? Well look no further.

*Bonus exp may be given out for various reasons by the Admins or Mods. throughout the RP.

Level 1: 100 exp to next level

Level 2: 200 exp to next level (300 total)

Level 3: 300 exp to next level (600 total)

Level 4: 400 exp to next level (900 total)

Level 5: 500 exp to next level (1200 total)

Note: the rest will come soon, but for now this should be fine...
Another Note: Please do remember that when the thread is graded and exps are given out, quickly EDIT your exp status indicated beside your Level. Loss of EXP will not be the administration's fault.
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